10 movies about nomads that will leave you inspired

By | 4 September 2023

Hey there, fellow wanderer! If you’re part of the tribe of digital nomads or aspire to join our ranks, you’re probably no stranger to the allure of the open road and the thrill of exploring new horizons. While we’re all about real-life adventures, sometimes a great movie can capture the spirit of our nomadic lifestyle and leave us with a fresh dose of inspiration. This is where movies about nomads come in.

So, grab your favorite snack and get cozy, because we’ve rounded up the top 5 movies about nomads that are sure to fuel your wanderlust and leave you itching for your next adventure.

Movies about nomads that you cannot miss

1. “Into the Wild” (2007)

INTO THE WILD movies about nomads

 “Into the Wild” is more than a movie; it’s a burst of inspiration for us wanderers. When we watch Chris McCandless’ journey from the ordinary to the extraordinary, we see a bit of ourselves. 

His courage to ditch the traditional path for a wild adventure resonates with our nomadic hearts. It reminds us that life’s richest experiences often happen off the beaten track. 

So, when you feel the call of the unknown or doubt your nomadic journey, remember Chris’ quest for freedom and self-discovery. “Into the Wild” tells us that embracing the road less traveled might just lead to incredible adventures and a deeper understanding of ourselves.

2. “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” (2013)

movies about nomads

If you’ve ever dreamed of breaking out of your daily routine and embarking on an epic adventure, Walter Mitty, portrayed by Ben Stiller, is your spirit animal. 

This heartwarming and visually stunning film transports you from the monotonous cubicle life to breathtaking locations across the globe. It’s a reminder that life’s grand adventures often begin with a single step, or in Walter’s case, a leap.

3. “Nomadland” (2020)

movies about nomads

Frances McDormand delivers a mesmerizing performance in this film that offers an intimate look into the lives of modern-day nomads. Based on Jessica Bruder’s non-fiction book, it portrays the resilience and community spirit of individuals who’ve chosen the road as their home. 

“Nomadland” is a poignant reminder that the nomadic lifestyle is more than just a way of living; it’s a way of being.

4. “Wild” (2014)

movies about nomads

“Wild” is one of those movies about nomads that speak to our adventurous souls. It follows Cheryl Strayed’s epic solo hike, reminding us that even when life gets tough, nature can heal. 

Her journey from grief and turmoil to self-discovery shows that the wilderness is not just a place; it’s a powerful teacher. 

When you hit a rough patch on your nomadic journey, think of Cheryl’s resilience and her ability to find solace in the great outdoors. “Wild” teaches us that nature has a unique way of mending the spirit, and sometimes, the best answers are found when you venture off the beaten path.

5. “Tracks” (2013)

movies about nomads

Based on the true story of Robyn Davidson, portrayed by Mia Wasikowska, “Tracks” follows her incredible 1,700-mile journey across the Australian desert with just four camels and a dog. Robyn’s determination to forge her path and connect with the land is both awe-inspiring and humbling. This movie showcases the beauty of solitude and the unbreakable bond between humans and nature.

6.  “Captain Fantastic” (2016)

movies about nomads

While not traditional nomads, the family in “Captain Fantastic” challenges societal norms by living off the grid. This film encourages you to carve your own path and question what truly matters in life. It’s a reminder that the nomadic spirit isn’t limited to a specific lifestyle; it’s a mindset.

7. “A Map for Saturday” (2007)

movies about nomads

For an authentic look into the lives of long-term travelers and backpackers, “A Map for Saturday” is a documentary you shouldn’t miss. It delves into the experiences of those who’ve chosen a life on the road, providing insights into the challenges and rewards of nomadic living. 

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to live a life of continuous exploration, this film offers a glimpse into the world of perpetual travelers.

8. “180° South” (2010)

movies about nomads

For the eco-conscious adventurer, “180° South” is a must-watch. Join Jeff Johnson as he retraces the footsteps of legendary environmentalists Yvon Chouinard and Doug Tompkins on an epic adventure to Patagonia. This film beautifully captures the spirit of exploration and environmental activism. It’s a reminder that our journeys can be more than personal adventures; they can also be a catalyst for positive change in the world.

9. “The Motorcycle Diaries” (2004)

movies about nomads

If you’re eager to explore the depths of South America, “The Motorcycle Diaries” is your ticket to ride. This film traces the journey of a young Ernesto “Che” Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado as they set off on a motorcycle expedition across the continent. 

As you follow their adventures through stunning landscapes, you’ll be captivated by the beauty of the people, cultures, and landscapes they encounter. “The Motorcycle Diaries” is a testament to the idea that the road itself can be a powerful teacher, revealing the world’s injustices and inspiring individuals to make a difference.

10. “In the Mood for Love” (2000)

movies about nomads

Wong Kar-wai’s masterpiece takes you to the bustling streets of Hong Kong in the 1960s. Amidst the urban chaos, two neighbors form a deep connection as they navigate the complexities of their own lives. This visually stunning film is a reminder that adventure and meaningful connections can be found in the most unexpected places.

“In the Mood for Love” beautifully captures the essence of serendipitous encounters and the profound impact they can have on our lives. It’s a reminder that while travel often involves planned adventures, some of the most meaningful experiences happen when we least expect them. If you’re a believer in the magic of unexpected connections, this film will leave you inspired to embrace every moment of your nomadic journey.

Ignite your wanderlust with movies about nomads

These movies about nomads are more than just cinematic experiences; they’re windows into the nomadic spirit that drives us to explore the world, seek adventure, and challenge the status quo. 

So, the next time you’re in need of some inspiration or a reminder of why you chose the nomadic lifestyle, pick one of these films, and let the wanderlust flow. Safe travels, and may your nomadic journey be as epic as those on the silver screen!

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